Join our Youth Membership Tier

Please note that the Youth Membership Tier is only for 15 to 18 year olds.  Please make sure you have your Parent’s Permission to receive our Newsletters and take part in Challenges and Exhibitions.  We reserve the right to confirm the age of the Member by requesting an ID or Birth Certificate as proof.

After you’ve completed the Youth Membership Application, you can pay your annual membership via our handy online payment option, or add to cart to obtain our bank details and pay via eft.  Membership runs for 12 months from the day we receive payment.

Bank Details for EFT – R100 Membership Fee

The Drawing Guild

FNB Acc no 62894629157

Code 250655

Reference: YMFee and Your Name 

Add Annual Youth Membership Fee to your Cart to Pay with a Card

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details for the Newsletter

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