Member Challenge 9


This was a bit of a tough one!  

In Member Challenge 9 we asked you to do a vintage themed still life.  Honestly, we didn’t expect many entries.  The most amazing part of this challenge was that each drawing had a story – for many it was about a memory of something special.

Our winning entry was by Vincent Reid – his depiction of a vintage tractor stole the show.  It conveyed the haunting aspect of a forgotten object left out in the veld. Masterfully rendered Vincent!

Vincent Reid - Heydeys - Graphite

Here are some of our other amazing entries – as always, thank you for taking part!

Dawn Lahner - Keepsakes - Graphite
Hester Strumpfer - These are a few of my Favourite Things - Charcoal
Amisha Zanetti - The Long forgotten Teddy - Charcoal and Graphite
Rekha Sinath - Ginger Jars and Peonies - Pastel
Shania Heydon - Youth - Charcoal
Tony Pietersen - Ek like my Oumagrootjie se dinge - Charcoal and Graphite
Wilmarie Coetzee - Capturing Memories - Charcoal

Onto Challenge 10 then!
